Digital Transformation

My last week has been #numeriQc!

April 12, 2022

At the old port of Quebec City, during 5 days from April 4 to 8, various speakers addressed the trends in:

🔹 Artificial intelligence and data;
🔹 E-commerce;
🔹 Cybersecurity;
🔹 Augmented and virtual reality;
🔹 E-tourism;
🔹 Insurtech;
🔹 Digital culture;
🔹 Government Innovations.

Some of the interventions were able to skillfully address the issues of the day.

This was the case for the panel “Citizen-centered digital transformation: dream or realistic project? The exchanges between Annie Thibodeau, Nicolas L. Dompierre and Antoine Audet, highlighted a current problem:

How can we move from a monologue between the municipality and its citizens to an ongoing dynamic dialogue between elected officials and citizens?

Digital transformation can be an interesting lever to generate high value-added exchanges. The city of Laval has received several awards for its Citizen Requests project. However, we must not forget to involve all departments and that not all municipal employees are at the same level of comfort with technology. Such a digital shift must be anchored in a solid business vision and the adoption issues must not be overlooked.

Human support throughout the change process is the key to the success of any transformation project.

In short, what applies to a company also applies to a municipality!