
Information Overload

November 9, 2022

How does information overload affect you?

Social media continuously demands our attention, exposing us to a wide variety of content and ideologies.

Recent quantitative meta-analyses on the topic confirm that our level of information overload:

➔ Is directly associated with our level of stress, anxiety and burnout.

➔ Also significantly reduces individual performance, decision-making ability, and confidence in the workplace, in addition to interfering with work-life balance.

➔ Does not appear to be directly related to our physical health status and our decision to leave a job (turnover).

It seems to be much more productive to reduce our exposure to information than to try to improve our coping and absorption skills. Choosing our sources better, applying filters to them, and setting aside time for exposure to our agenda seem to be better practices to help avoid overload while remaining well informed.

I personally chose to adjust some of my habits:

◆ During pre-set work hours, I do not check my text messages, notifications, blog threads and emails. I even avoid taking certain calls to improve my focus and productivity.

◆ I am also very selective in my sources of research and information and I don’t follow every social platform.

Some FOMO (“Fear Of Missing Out”) enthusiasts may find this approach frustrating. However, it can considerably improve your concentration, your productivity and your quality of life.

What are you doing to avoid information overload?

Take care of yourself!
