Digital Transformation

Transformation you say?  Not all changes are created equal!
Transformation you say? Not all changes are created equal!

The terms evolution, modernization, and transformation are often used interchangeably, although instinctively we perceive a difference. So, when we talk about digital transformation, what type of change are we talking about?

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10 simple actions to significantly reduce your risk of cyberattack
10 simple actions to significantly reduce your risk of cyberattack

With the acceletared race towards digital adoption, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. Here are 10 simple actions to significantly reduce your risk of cyberattack.

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Pragmatik is Digital Advisor for the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP)
Pragmatik is Digital Advisor for the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP)

Pragmatik is Digital Advisor for Stream 2, Boot your business technology, of the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP)

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Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) Highlights
Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) Highlights

Based on information available on March 11, 2022. Some of the statistics behind the PCAN program According to the most recent data from Statistics…

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5 success factors for your digital projects
5 success factors for your digital projects

Many organizations fail to distinguish between implementation and organizational projects. Yet this is an important distinction to maximize the chances of success for your digital transformation.

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My last week has been #numeriQc!
My last week has been #numeriQc!

At the old port of Quebec City, during 5 days from April 4 to 8, I listened to various speakers address digital transformation trends...

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A 4 billion announcement that (almost) went unnoticed…
A 4 billion announcement that (almost) went unnoticed…

On March 3rd, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the launch of the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (#CDAP). A 4 billion announcement that (almost) went unnoticed...

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How to take the first steps towards automation?
How to take the first steps towards automation?

Want to take advantage of digital and Industry 4.0, but the challenge seems out of reach (and out of price)? Sometimes it's better to start small...

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Artificial Intelligence and Data Science: levers to transform the way we do things
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science: levers to transform the way we do things

No one can deny the media hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and data science. With a very active academic leadership and an ecosystem dedicated to the subject, Montreal is already recognized as a dominant pole in North America. But, between the alarmist visions of imminent human obsolescence and the denunciations of fake news, what is the effective contribution of these specialties for companies?

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