
Why hire an independent mission-driven consultant?

October 17, 2023

An “mission-driven consultant” is not adequate to temporarily fill a vacant position or a lack of expertise within your in-house team. Placement agencies and many “consulting firms” are brimming with resources better suited to meet this need.

A “mission-driven consultant” is a professional offering specialized advisory services to accomplish missions that meet specific needs, clear objectives and a defined timeline. They work closely with their clients, applying their expertise and experience to solve unique financial, technological or management challenges, and achieve predefined goals.

A mission-driven consultant is distinguished by certain characteristics, including:

Mission-focused: Dedicated to carrying out a well-defined mission, defined by a statement of context and needs, a timetable and specific results to be achieved. All their efforts are devoted solely to achieving this mission, and they cease their intervention once the targeted results have been obtained.

Distinctive know-how: Offer cutting-edge expertise and fresh perspectives, facilitating informed decision-making. Repeated practice of their specialty through a wide variety of contexts and situations enable them refine their know-how. Provided rich experience is rare, valuable and often impossible to develop by an employee within a company. Such profiles are difficult to hire or retain if the employer is not a consulting firm.

Timely presence: Involvement is often on a temporary, part-time basis, depending on his mission. Use for full-time, long-term involvement is rarely appropriate, nor is filling a vacancy on an in-house team. Profile and high degree of autonomy usually make him or her incompatible to act as a “temporary employee” under your management.

Independence and objectivity: He or she works with you, peer-to-peer as equal. Being external to the organization, they provide a neutral and objective viewpoint, immune to internal political games and cultural biases.

Adaptability: They adjust provided services to the changing needs of each customer, and contractual agreements are flexible in terms of duration, availability and billing methods.

Flexibility: You can hire him for one-off assignments as and when you need him. You don’t have to keep them busy every day to benefit from their services. Dedicated to their mission, they self-adjust their weekly efforts according to the mission needs and circumstances.

Concrete contribution: By the nature of their interventions, they aim to bring about significant and advantageous changes for their client.

A mission-driven consultant is a major asset in the realization of ambitious projects. They provide innovative ideas, a wealth of experience in a variety of situations, and a firm commitment to your success.

Opting for a mission consultant means benefiting from cutting-edge expertise, increased efficiency, and an approach tailored to your needs and context.

Mission-driven consultants are your partner of choice for realizing your ambitions!


© Eric Magnan, Pragmatik Advisory Services Inc, 2023

About the author:

Eric Magnan is a career consultant who founded Pragmatik Advisory Services in 2005. Since the late ’80s, he has assisted some 30 private and public companies through more than 70 missions aimed at adopting new technological solutions or new ways of working based on digital technology advances. He holds several professional certifications, which he puts down to good use for his customers through mission-driven commitments tailored to their context, constraints and needs.