
Is going it alone with a solution provider a good idea?

October 19, 2021

Is it unwise to launch a large-scale organizational project without coaching?
This may seem like a strange question, but I’ve found that in many cases, the answer is YES.

Over the past few years, I have had to intervene to turn around numerous projects in difficulty. We usually underestimate the complexity and the effort required to succeed.

But then, how to avoid the same situation?

Simple answer:
▶️ Don’t underestimate the preparation effort required before you take the plunge. Thought and risk assessment should always precede action.
▶️ Surround yourself with people who have real-world experience doing the type of project you are aiming for. A good coach can save you time and costly mistakes.

To this answer, I am often told:

“I’d like to, but my project isn’t that complicated, I already have a committed, contracted vendor, and consultants are expensive!”

I then tell the stories of clients who have experienced difficulties that require some kind of recovery. I sometimes compare them to wiser clients who were able to seek assistance early on and have had a much less turbulent journey.

There is no project without challenges, unforeseen events or difficulties. There’s nothing like hearing from a project leader to get the straight goods!

✅ My advice: get an experienced, independent and objective advisor as soon as possible and take the time to prepare well.

Once you start working on your solution, it’s too late to clarify or challenge your current way of operating. You can’t guess what you don’t know, but a good, experienced advisor knows the pitfalls to avoid.

When considering investing a significant amount of time and money in a project, it is important to maximize the chances of success and to take all reasonable steps to avoid facing a costly project turnaround.

Generally, the stress, delays and costs avoided more than compensate for the cost of a good advisor!


This article was originally published on LinkedIn in October 2021.