

January 18, 2022

INTEGRITY is staying true to your values despite the judgment of others.

My daughter’s integrity was recently put to the test. She told me about an uncomfortable situation in her job because she is often called to meet with individuals in their homes. Recently, as she was about to conduct such a meeting, she was told on the spot that a positive case of COVID-19 had been reported at this home.

A superior present then said, “There is no formal protocol for these circumstances, but the risk seems low. So you each have the choice to proceed or go home.

Unlike her colleagues, my daughter decided to turn back. Her spouse and several of her relatives work in the field with elderly people. She did not want to take any risk for herself or for them.

Once back home, she began to feel guilty and apprehensive about the impact of her decision on her reputation. Afterwards, she became emotional and had to justify her decision to her immediate supervisor. Rumours began to circulate among her colleagues. She seemed to be criticized for her lack of team spirit.

A few days ago, my daughter asked me this question: “Did I do the right thing by sticking to my values, at the risk of facing the judgment of others? Am I right to fear the repercussions of my decision?”

I obviously told her that I was proud of her and that in life, it is essential to act with integrity according to your values and reality. It is normal to want to protect yourself and your loved ones from potentially serious repercussions. It is not her place to feel bad about the lack of guidance from her employer.

Although COVID-19 has been a part of our lives for two years, some organizations still seem to lack procedures for dealing with this type of situation.

To HR and operational departments: is it normal to leave the burden of making such a decision on an employee in the face of a now well-known risk?

Face-to-face workers already face many challenges. They don’t need to carry the added mental burden of caring for themselves and their loved ones.

What do you think of this situation?  How would you have acted?


This article was originally published on LinkedIn in January 2022.