
How to hire a specialized consultant or a strategic advisor
How to hire a specialized consultant or a strategic advisor

Paying for hours creates a commitment to presence. Value is obtained when remuneration is linked to results ! When flexibility and the quality of…

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Is your company cuture preventing you from achieving your transformation?
Is your company cuture preventing you from achieving your transformation?

To truly transform and innovate, you have to go beyond accepted conventions. You need to surround yourself with people who bring different perspectives and who are authorized to question what you consider to be the norm. If you don't create the right conditions, you run the risk of simply recycling the existing model under a new apprearance. This may give the illusion of transformation, but in reality, the changes are often superficial and ephemeral. This is as true for individuals as it is for companies.

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Why hire an independent mission-driven consultant?
Why hire an independent mission-driven consultant?

A mission-driven consultant is a major asset in the realization of ambitious projects. They provide innovative ideas, a wealth of experience in a variety of situations, and a firm commitment to your success. Mission-driven consultants are your partner of choice for realizing your ambitions!

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Understanding the faces of Change Management
Understanding the faces of Change Management

For over 3 decades, the discipline of “Change Management” has been very popular in both the world of information technology (IT) and the world of organizational psychology and development. In these worlds it has two distinct meanings that seems to be a growing source of careless confusion. Let's clarify!

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Change Management: A single expression with different meanings within a technology project
Change Management: A single expression with different meanings within a technology project

Change is a generic concept and "managing change" means different things to a project manager, product manager, business analyst, IT specialist and change management specialists working together. This seems to become a source of confusion. Let's try to clarify!

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How do consultants determine their fees?
How do consultants determine their fees?

Independent contractor rates are often met with derision by employees and managers. While it's inappropriate to directly compare an employee's wage rate with the rates of an independent contractor, it remains the most accessible reference. So here's John's case.

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Are you asking for the right type of consultant to meet your needs?
Are you asking for the right type of consultant to meet your needs?

The use of the term "consultant" without a clear distinction between "mission-driven consultant" and "temporary resource" leads to confusion and frustration, both in customer expectations and in the real nature of the services offered by firms. Before placing an "order" for a "consultant" with your HR or Procurement department, be clear about the type of "consultant" you really want. This will save a lot of hassle for all parties involved.

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Transformation you say?  Not all changes are created equal!
Transformation you say? Not all changes are created equal!

The terms evolution, modernization, and transformation are often used interchangeably, although instinctively we perceive a difference. So, when we talk about digital transformation, what type of change are we talking about?

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🤔 Change and transformation: just interchangeable terminology?
🤔 Change and transformation: just interchangeable terminology?

We are quite familiar with incremental changes to sustain continuity, but we are much less familiar with radical changes that require a rupture with well-established habits and traditions.

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Information Overload
Information Overload

Social media continuously demands our attention, exposing us to a wide variety of content and ideologies. How does information overload affect you?

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